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May We Recommend

Zen and the Art of the Internet
By: Brendan P. Kehoe
This copyright book is a classic. Written in 1992 it still is the definitive volume on the Internet and what makes it tick. Of course there isn't a lot about browsers, web sites and the rest, but it does lay a strong foundation for anyone who wants to know how the Internet works and how to use it more effectively. Even the jaded pro may find a few gems in this work.

We have received two more books by Magdvin Cszgarna, making a total of five. Two were published a couple of years ago. They range from the back story of the Trojan Wars to a Star Trek: Next Generation script.
Check them out

Arlyn and Krisdevon
By: Magdvin Cszgarna
I have not had the opportunity to read this book but it is fairly well written. It appears to be a fantasy/romance. As I have the time I will prepare a real synopsis. Note: It does have adult themes.

Break Down
By: Magdvin Cszgarna
In 1994 Magdvin Cszgarna next generation submitted a script to Star Trek: The Next Generation. Unfortunately, the show already had been canceled, and the script never was produced. The following is the original submission letter followed by the script. Dear Sir, The enclosed script is based on an idea not like any I have seen previously. The premise is that in intergalactic space there are very old and advanced creatures who earn their living towing broken down starships back to their ports of origin. It is about time the Enterprise broke down and was rescued… for a standard, rather expensive fee. One more thing: One of these old, advanced creatures is fascinated by sex, which it has never previously encountered. In order to offer Troi something in her quest for an understanding of men, it offers to make her one for as long as she likes. It may not be as funny as The Trouble with Tribbles but I hope you will find Break Down amusing. The second half, the sexy part, plays gently with all the long implied sexual natures of the main characters. Read aloud it runs 53 minutes. Sincerely, Magdvin Cszgarna Note: This book is available only for Kindle

By: Magdvin Cszgarna
Hekuba talls the story of the Trojan Wars that Homer never told. This is the back story told by the slave and formerly Queen Hekuba. Here is told all the pain and tragedy that befell the Trojans, all because of an infatuated young man. Note: This book is only available for Kindle

The One That Got Away By: Magdvin Cszgarna
The One That Got Away was written in 1981 and 1982 long before Forrest Gump or The Silence of the Lambs. It was revised slightly in 1989 to reflect the collapse of the Soviet Union. What is interesting about attempts to publish it is not that it was rejected by every major publisher but the nature of the rejection letters it received. Typical of these was one by Bob Guccioni of Penthouse who wrote, 'This is really well written, but it's too weird for me. I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole.' It really does seem to violate a lot of boundaries.

Thurina and Krin
By: Magdvin Cszgarna
This is a nice short story in almost a fairy tale format. It tells of the love of Thurina and Krin and how they promised themselves to each other and no one else. The story takes place in an imaginary place where magic is still possible. Definitely a worth while read.

Sometimes you have to blow your own horn. I not only publish books but I write them.
These two books are not found on this web site but on Amazon - because I am
selling them for Kindle and in a paperback format
to help provide income in my retirement.
Please support this site by buying my books. Thanks!

Fancy Book Cover Fancy
Eighty-two year old Frances Smith, known as Fancy, is suffering from senile dementia. She doesn’t know it; neither does her family. Ten of her younger years were consumed with her love for Carlos, a man who worked on her father’s farm. Their love blossomed and grew until one fateful day.

As an old woman, Fancy spends more and more time in her past, through both her dementia and her conscious remembrances of Carlos. She remembers how they loved to dance at fire halls and other dances. She constantly asks him when they will once again dance. His reply is always the same, “Soon my love.”

All the while her family tries to come to grips with her dementia.

Get Fancy here
Centerville Cover Centerville
Sheriff John Shambach is consumed with the tragedies happening, without rhyme or reason, in the nearby village of Centerville. While he tries to track down the murderer of little Betsy Smith, two teenagers, Jimmy Harris and Ben Snyder, who live in the village, are well on the way of discovering who this evil monster is. They discover who was responsible for the horrible events at the Firemen’s Carnival, where Betsy Smith was brutally murdered and another girl attacked and nearly raped. They piece together the clues to what actually happened to Patrick Marks and why his pants were on backwards. And why he was found down a well. Through this summer of horror they unearth the facts that the sheriff is unable find and they identify the serial killer in their midst. How does a small insular society cope with tragedy after tragedy in that hot summer? Twenty years pass and now Ben Snyder is a detective deputy sheriff in the same quiet central Pennsylvania area where he grew up. The peacefulness in Centerville is shattered by the murder of an elderly woman who is confined to a wheelchair. Ben finds it suspicious that the woman is found in the cellar with her wheelchair but the wheelchair is too wide to fit through the doorway. Not long after that a local Mennonite girl is brutally murdered and Ben struggles with the few clues to solve either case. A sudden revelation opens things up and leads him back to his own childhood and the horrible events of the summer of 1955.
This is an expanded edition combining Watermelon Summer and Ben's Story into one volume.
Get Centerville here

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Last Updated 1/272022

This web site is dedicated to Mr. Maltie Sassaman, my fourth grade teacher. When I entered his class I could not read. When I left his class at the end of the school year I was reading at a sixth grade level and I haven't stopped reading since. Were it not for Mr. Sassaman, this page would not exist.