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Science Fiction
    The Moon Pool By: Abraham Merritt Dubbed 'The Shining One' by terrified Pacific natives, an evil mass of energy, powered by the full moon, roams the night seeking victims to kidnap. When an anthropologist falls into the clutches of the Shining One, he is whisked into the bowels of titanic caverns, where others are imprisoned, and finds himself engaged in a desperate attempt to save the sunlit world above. Ponape and Nan-Matol are still mysterious islands in the South Pacific - despite much archaeological speculation, Easter Island is too! This wild tale combines the mystery of these islands with hollow-earth theory and techno-occultism to produce a fantasy epic only Abraham Merritt could conceive.
    Dracula By: Bram Stoker The story is timeless. though over one hundred years old it is still frightening and thrilling. Here is the chilling, gruesome tale of the un-dead. Told from the perspective of a number of people through journals and letters it brings the story of Dracula alive. Bram Stoker's classic vampire story has haunted and disturbed the modern imagination for a hundred years. Blood, information, and hypnotic energy circulate furiously among the characters until the tale reaches its violent climax.
    A Voyage to Arcturus By: David Lindsay Lindsay takes us on a gripping journey through a planet where good and evil are not only locked in struggle, but cloaked in impenetrable disguise. It is the hero Maskull's task to unmask the truth, and thereby attain his own redemption. The real genius of this book lies in its ability to defy prediction. At no stage does the reader have the slightest inkling of where the narrative might be heading, or how the threads might eventually tie up; but one is nevertheless compelled to read on. A definite must-read for all sci-fi and fantasy buffs; would also be enjoyed by visual artists, psychoanalysts, anyone interested in pagan religion, or just anyone who likes great descriptive writing.
    A Princess Of Mars By: Edgar Rice Burroughs 'Princess of Mars' is an astounding piece of fantasy. First story of ERB to be published in 1912, it contains the seeds of lots of scfi and Fantasy novels to come in the following years. Also we may detect some traits of Tarzan in John Carter character. It's a pleasure to read so 'fresh' adventures depicting a whole planet culture, interaction between different races, monsters, ecology, inventions far ahead of ERB real world, as 'rifles with explosive bullets guided by wireless sensors'. It amazes me how ERB can master in a not so extensive text (for our standards); a high paced action story. Even if this book is 90 years old, you will enjoy it from the first to the last page. Courtesy: Maximiliano F Yofre
    Out of Time's Abyss By: Edgar Rice Burroughs This is the third in the of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Land That Time Forgot trilogy. On Caprona, the Land that Time Forgot, all of the world's savage past still lives. Here are dinosaurs and flying reptiles, here are the most primitive of cavemen and the last of the Bronze Age barbarians. But there is one more secret that the claws and fangs and sharp-edged spears guard most of all. This is the story of the man who tried to find that final secret. When Bradley the adventurer dares to cross the last terrible barrier to the heart of Caprona, he enters a world of wonder, terror and danger beyond the imagination of any man - except the imagination of Edgar Rice Burroughs.
    Pellucidar By: Edgar Rice Burroughs Although Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote many stories about societies of the distant future or past, peopled with anything from prehistoric creatures to aliens, I believe that this is the best representation of his talent for writing fast paced, fun to read science fiction. Although he did not have the advantage modern authors do of capitalizing on recent scientific advances for story material, he draws the reader in, especially in this book, with his ability to create a world of wild imagination and make the reader feel like they are part of the action. This is the book which made me an avid Burroughs fan and encouraged me to read the Mars, Tarzan (and other Pellucidar novels) in their entirety.
    The Chessmen of Mars By: Edgar Rice Burroughs Helium, a spoiled princess and John Carter's daughter, rejects Gahan, Jed of Gathol, as a suitor and foolishly flys off into a great storm. Gahan gives chase. By the time he finally catches up to Tara, she has forgotten who he is, and he assumes the name Turjun, a panthan mercenary. Together they challenge the power of O-Tar, Jeddak of Manator, whose barbaric nation of Red Men have preyed upon Gathol for centuries. The Manatorians have elevated Jetan, Martian chess, to an unprecedented level of skill and excitement: they use live chessmen who fight for live princesses. Gahan finds himself fighting for Tara on the chessboard of Manator, and haunting O-Tar's palace.
    The Gods Of Mars By: Edgar Rice Burroughs John Carter remains the perfect Virginian gentleman, upon returning to his beloved Barsoom, respecting women, seeking no unfair advantage, while fighting plants, animals and multiple races of Martians. He must struggle to overcome them all, if he is to set free his beloved Dejah Thoris from a nested series of 'Heavens within Heavens.' If he wins, what will happen to religion on Mars? And If he loses...
    The Land that Time Forgot By: Edgar Rice Burroughs Burroughs concocts a fabulous microworld, located somewhere in the South Pacific, called Caspak. On this mountainous island live winged, humanlike creatures, dinosaurs, ferocious beasts of prey, Neanderthals, 'wild ape-men,' and monstrous reptiles; they terrorize each other, to say nothing of the mixed crew of World War I-era adventurers who inadvertently land on a Caspakian beach and fight their way across the island, dining on Plesiosaurus steaks and having a grand old time in the company of a jungle princess. The story streaks onward like a bullet toward its surprise ending, and it's pure fun all the way.
    The Outlaw Of Torn By: Edgar Rice Burroughs 'The Outlaw of Torn' is one of his best yarns. Henry III of England insults Sir Jules de Vac, who takes his vengeance by kidnapping young Prince Richard, a figure, Burroughs points out, who has been lost to the pages of history. As Norman, the Outlaw of Torn, the young man becomes the greatest swordsman in England and a fearless outlaw with a price upon his head who raises an army loyal only to him. Of course, although he is ignorant of his noble birth, he is drawn to the lovely Bertrade de Montfort, daughter of the King's brother-in-law, the Earl of Leicester. This romance fits in nicely with the plans of de Vac, who contrives situations for the king to be responsible for killing his own son. The obvious comparison for 'The Outlaw of Torn' is with Robin Hood, but Burroughs' pulp novel has its own tale to tell. This is one of his best novels and as an example of the pulp fiction of the early 20th century it is a first-class work. Courtesy: Lawrance M. Bernabo
    The People That Time Forgot By: Edgar Rice Burroughs This is the second segment of Edgar Rice Burroughs' 'Land That Time Forgot' trilogy and is considered the best of the three. ex-cowboy tom billings leads a rescue mission to save Bowen Tyler, the protagonist of the first novel of the series, 'Land That Time Forgot', and manages to have more trouble keeping his own hide intact than in finding his friend. Remember, this was written in the 1920s, but the adventure holds up even today. anyone not familiar with Edgar Rice Burroughs, prepare for a treat!
    Thuvia, Maid of Mars By: Edgar Rice Burroughs Thuvia, Maid of Mars, passes the torch from father to son as Carthoris, son of John Carter and Dejah Thoris, pursues the heart of the princess Thuvia. To her secret shame Thuvia returns Carthoris' love, but she is already promised to another. When a rival prince kidnaps Thuvia and frames Carthoris for the deed, the son of the Warlord of Mars sets out to rescue the woman he loves no matter what it will cost him. Undoubtedly the most disturbing but tense part of the story falls in the city of Lothar, where Carthoris and Thuvia must do battle with ancient Barsoomians who possess incredible powers of the mind. And the most unlikely hero of all turns out to be a fignment of a character's imagination. This book is a good demonstration of how Burroughs' world of Barsoom was filled with its own stories, and not just a convenient backdrop for John Carter's adventures
    Warlord of Mars By: Edgar Rice Burroughs Edgar Rice Burroughs covers vast expanses of Barsoomian territory in John Carter's whirlwind pursuit of his beloved Dejah Thoris. The gentle pokes in the eye at religion, evolution, science, and even racism continue but do not impede the readability of the story. Burroughs demonstrates his superb grasp of story-telling and the construction of adventure settings with a flair unsurpassed by any other writer of the 20th century. Carter finds himself charging headline into a myterious northern world where ancient and legendary yellow men have survived in the harshest Barsoomian environment imaginable. Coincidentally, in classic Burroughsian fashion, Carter uncovers an incredible weapon which could destroy the fragile alliance of Barsoomian nations he has assembled in his long battle with the evil Therns.
    Looking Backward From 2000 to 1887 By: Edward Bellamy Here is an interesting book which looks backwards from the year 2000 to the year 1887. It reports the history of the intervening time from the perspective of our present. But the book was written in the nineteenth century, and not the twentieth. Never the less the author, Bellamy, was prescient in many ways. It is told in the form of a narrative of a man who fell asleep in 1887 and woke in 2000. Similar to Rip Van Winkle, only moreso. Some of the imagry is almost chilling, and some os so far off it is humorous. All in all this book is an excellent read.
    Flatland By: Edwin A. Abbott Subtitled A romance of many dimensions this book is a classic work. Science and math disguised as fiction. It is a joy to read and modern today, though it was written well over one hundred years ago. In this modern age of computers this book has almost become a cult classic. But even if you aren't interested in science or math (there are no formulae in this book) you will still enjoy it.
    The Great War Syndicate By: Frank Stockton This science fiction novel is unique in that it consists of only one chapter. The plot centers on a group of twenty-three men, a War Syndicate who offer to assume the expense of a war for the United States after a gunfight erupts between two vessels off the Canadian coast. To say the least this is an interesting read.
    The Island of Doctor Moreau By: H. G. Wells Shipwreck survivors discover the horrors of Dr. Moreau in this classic thriller. Moreau is experimenting on the life forms of his island with horrendous results. And he is always seeking new subjects...
    When the World Shook By: H. Rider Haggard Three English chaps are marooned on a mysterious South Seas island. The natives tell of their powerful god Oro; whom the the men discover has been sleeping for a quarter million years. Of course they wake him only to discover that his beautiful daughter is the spitting image of our hero's dead wife, while he is a dead ringer for her lost love...
    The First Men In The Moon By: H.G. Wells The invention of Cavorite, an anti-gravity substance, propells the protagonists to the moon. Though well written and at times humorous this book attempts, as did Verne's, to depict events based on the lack of knowledge. It is important to the reader to remember that Wells worked within the knowledge base of his day which included the possibility of an atmosphere on the moon, living creatures and more. All in all this is a fun read.
    The Time Machine By: H.G. Wells H.G. Wells's 1894 novel (his first) describes the adventures of his hero, the time-traveler, mostly in the year A.D. 802,701, when he encounters a class-ridden battle between the decadent Eloi and the primitive Morlocks. The Morlocks are nocturnal creatures who live underground and surface during the night, only to prey on the defenseless Eloi. The Eloi, once living comfortably as the ruling race, have degenerated into a simple group of beings that live life effortlessly and without substance. The time traveler describes his interactions with the Morlocks and the Eloi in a thought-provoking manner, creating a highly enjoyable novel. The Time Machine suggests many controversial ideas such as the extreme degeneration of the human race. Not only is it interesting to learn Wells' theories, but his writing caused one to consider the possibilities of evolution. The open ending to the book also leaves a story for the mind to explore.
    When The Sleeper Wakes By: H.G. Wells Written in the final years of the 19th century by an acknowledged scientific visionary, this book is stunning for its portrayal not just of 'modern techological' creations. First and foremost, this book hints at the dramatic societal changes that followed in the 20th century. Most readers will remember Wells' use of the airplane, television, radar, etc. in this novel written in the late 1890s. The conceptualization of these technological wonders for a 19th century inhabitant is remarkable, no doubt. True astonishment, however, arises from Wells' portrayal of societal conflict caused by the awakening of the 'Sleeper'. We now know, from our vantage point late in the 20th century, that this century will be remembered for pandemic social change, when a majority of mankind (in the many communist, nationalist, and independence movements) moved to a different drumbeat. In the course of these brief one-hundred years, masses have risen and elites fallen in societies on virtually all the continents. We know that redistributions of wealth and the power of mass education have been the historical catalysts. Wells uses the 'sleeper' as the agent of change in this wonderfully prophetic novel
    The Feeling of Power By: Isaac Asimov Meet Myron Aub, a lowly technician who discovers the lost art of Graphitics. At least that's what he calls it. In the early 21st. century we still call it arithmetic. Aub's world is controlled by computers and there is a continual war. But Aub's discovery may change all that. This short story by Isaac Asimov foretells the Pocket PC and the fear that many have had about the possibility that with computers doing everything human?s will become so dependent upon them that they will lose the basics of math, and who knows what more. With the court decision marking the sharp differentiation between printed books and eBooks I publish this story as a test case, as well as the fact that I believe it is a must read. Following this story is the text of the court judgement. Enjoy it while you can.
In the year 2000 and the beginning of 2001, Rosetta Books contracted with several authors to publish certain of their works - including The Confessions of Nat Turner and Sophie's Choice by William Styron; Slaughterhouse- Five, Breakfast of Champions, The Sirens of Titan, Cat's Cradle, and Player Piano by Kurt Vonnegut; and Promised Land by Robert B. Parker - in digital format over the internet. (Def. Ex. 21- 23; http:// www. rosettabooks. com/ pages/ about_ us. html.) On February 26, 2001 Rosetta Books launched its ebook business, offering those titles and others for sale in digital format. (Cantos Aff. ? 2, Ex. A; http:// www. rosettabooks. com). The next day, Random House filed this complaint accusing Rosetta Books of committing copyright infringement and tortiously interfering with the contracts Random House had with Messrs. Parker, Styron and Vonnegut by selling its ebooks. It simultaneously moved for a preliminary injunction prohibiting Rosetta from infringing plaintiff's copyrights.
    A Journey in Other Worlds By: John Jacob Astor A Journey In Other Worlds is the tale of travel to the other planets in our solar system. Even more remarkable than the story is the author, John Jacob Astor. Colonel John Jacob Astor was an American financier who, among other things developed several mechanical devices including a bicycle brake (1898), helped to develop the turbine engine, and invented a pneumatic road-improver. In 1912 he and his wife Mary sailed on the Titanic. Mary, his wife, survived but Astor went down with the ship. His body was found three days later.
    20000 Leagues Under The Seas By: Jules Verne Meet Captain Nemo as he rescues shipwrecked survivors and takes them on the most fantastic journey under the sea. A classic tale that never grows old. Note that this is the original title, somehow the word 'seas' got reduced to 'sea' in later publications.
    A Journey To The Center Of The Earth By: Jules Verne Jules Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth is definitely a must read for science fiction aficionados and classic fiction lovers alike. Verne's sense of humor and incredible imagination make for a mostly credible, and quite enjoyable tale of a young man who accompanies his uncle on the journey of a lifetime. For the time in which it was written, it was groundbreaking in citing evolution. Darwin had only published his Origin of the Species 7 years prior to this novel's publication 1867. Verne embraces the theories presented in Origin of the Species, as well as drawing in other discoveries made in scientific circles of the time that support such theories. Verne also takes care to describe and explain many of the other scientific theories and ideas of the age presented in the book in such a way that he ensured Journey to the Center of the Earth will remain a classic for years to come. A wonderful work definitely worth a read. Note: There is some question regarding the validity of this translation. This translation is probably based on the British newspaper serial. The original French translation has the professor named Lidenbrock and not Hardwigg. Other names differ as well. The opening chapter is not the same as the original. Never the less it is a great read.
    Five Weeks In A Balloon By: Jules Verne The debut novel from Jules Verne, originally published in 1870. This is the work that established his reputation. Originally planned for a children's magazine, this story about traveling in balloons across Africa resonates in Verne's later works and contains all his fondly remembered themes.
    Off on a Comet By: Jules Verne It was Jules Verne who first wrote about what could happen should the earth collide with a comet. This 'comet' is a small, planetiod-like world with atmosphere, land, and ocean. The journey is utterly unbelievable in the light of present knowledge, but Verne is as scientifically correct relative to the knowledge of his day as he could be. Before the travelers are redeposited on the earth in another grazing collision, the comet's eccentric orbit carries them near Venus and Mars, causing them to suffer through terrible extremes of climate. Verne delights in the ability of human ingenuity to overcome obstacles, conflicts, and deprivation as they explore and endure their temporary home. The flights of imagination involved are remarkable and the characterizations are good.Verne also dwells upon behaviors of people trapped on a journey of no return, though it should be treated with a vintage flavor.
    The Mysterious Island By: Jules Verne Here is the classic tale of castaways on an island in the South Pacific. Verne is always great reading.
    The Underground City By: Jules Verne What lies beneath the hills of Scotland and the Aberfoyle mines? This is not Journey to the Center of the Earth but it is dark down there. Make sure that you have plenty of light -and rope! This is classic Jules Verne.
    Slayer By: Karen Koehler They are your friends and neighbors, your teachers and your lovers. They are the beautiful ones, the ones alone, aloof. The ones living on the edges of society. The ones you suspect the least. The spawn of an unholy union between the mortal and the profane, they have taken the art of blood-drinking--and murder--to chilling new heights. And they are about to inherit the earth. They are slayers. And they have never questioned the creed of their work, nor challenged the words of their elders, until now...until him. Prepare to hunt the hunter.
    A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthurs Court By: Mark Twain You might wonder what prompted Mark Twain to sidle from 'straight' fiction into the realm of outright fantasy. Twain transports a Connecticut shop foreman twelve centuries into the past [and 5 000 kilometres!] to Camelot and Arthur's court. Initially confused and dismayed, Hank Morgan's Yankee practicality is quickly aroused and he becomes a major figure among the panopolied knights. With the title of The Boss, his rank equals The King or The Pope with its uniqueness. His elevation doesn't distract him from a more profound impulse, however. Hank's Yankee roots and wide experience evoke an ambition - nothing less than revolution. He wants to sweep away the monarchy and aristocracy and establish an American-style republic in Arthurian Britain. Mark Twain's scathing criticism of the sham of hereditary monarchy bolstered by an Established Church makes this among his choicest writings. He resents the condition of a Church which 'turned a nation of men into a nation of worms.' A fervent believer in individual freedom, Twain uses Hank to voice his disdain of Britain's royalty. It's no more than might be expected of a man who boasted of but one ancestor - who sat on the jury that executed Charles I. Hank knows revolutions never succeed when implemented from above. Revolution be achieved only when the individual's attitude changes from meek acceptance to self assertion. Hank's method reaches people through clandestine schools and factories, publication of a newspaper and establishment of a telephone system. These new forms of manufacture and communication become the foundation by which Hank expects to abolish the ancient, mis-named, chivalric tradition. Does he change the course of history? Twain relocates the roots of American democracy from the heart of the frontier yeoman farmer to the brain of the urban industrial worker. Here the man of wide, practical experience shows how to survive compared to those with a formal education. Hank has a simple ambition - establishment of a republic - but utilizes a broad spectrum of ideas to bring it about. He would gladly replace the Established Church of Rome with his own Presbyterian ideals, but is aware that it would be swapping one evil for another. 'Each man should select his own religion, or make one' he contends. Yet, finally, it is this dread force that impairs his desire for change. The final sequence stands as a peer to the biblical Armageddon, Twain wallowing in a frightful bloodletting unseen in any of his other works. Mark Twain contrasts the Reign of Terror of the French Revolution with the centuries of slavery, serfdom, and poverty that killed countless more people than that spasm of excising of aristocracy. What else spurred him to write of human rights with such passion? He had written of slavery before, but this book is especially wrathful in describing the 'peculiar institution' eliminated in his homeland but a generation before. He forces the king to experience the slave's condition, a form of degradation he would have all aristocrats endure. Every feature of the human condition is examined in this timeless treasure. He challenges you to follow his gaze, considering whether today's societies, monarchical or not, will endure the scrutiny.
    Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus By: Mary Wollestonecraft Shelly Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is one of the masterpieces of nineteenth-century Gothicism. While stay-ing in the Swiss Alps in 1816 with her lover Percy Shelley, Lord Byron, and others, Mary, then eighteen, began to concoct the story of Dr. Victor Frankenstein and the monster he brings to life by electricity. Written in a time of great personal tragedy, it is a subversive and morbid story warning against the dehumanization of art and the corrupting influence of science. Packed with allusions and literary references, it is also one of the best thrillers ever written. Frankenstein; Or, the Modern Prometheus was an instant bestseller on publication in 1818. The prototype of the science fiction novel, it has spawned countless imitations and adaptations but retains its original power.
    End Game By: Patrick Schepman This little story came to my e-mail box one day recently. Mr. Schepman saw this site and gave you the book to read. To be honest I have not had the chance to read it, though it looks to be a very nice post-apocalyptic tale. Enjoy this story.
    Light Speed By: Paul Harrington Light Speed! Second Edition This second edition of Light Speed is not a complete re-write but a number of inconstancies have been have been rectified. Also with the help of a new editor Paul Harrington has made this read so much more enjoyable while keeping the story line always in mind. In the effort of rushing the first edition to press a number of grammatical and spelling errors were overlooked. They have all been corrected in this second edition. If you liked Light Speed the first time around you will love this version. It makes the sequel, 'To Whom The Stars Belong' that much more anticipated! Light Speed is a fast paced ride into the world of the future. Two rival Mega Corporations battle for control of the worlds first FTL engine technology. When Shepherd Industries discovers a practical faster than light engine, rival Atoms Technical begins a corporate espionage mission to steel the plans. Meanwhile Micah Shepherd's daughter Rebecca and freighter pilot John Burke try to work out a turbulent relationship as Burke himself is asked by Micah Shepherd to oversee a new project. A secret star ship called the ESS Destiny. All of Atoms technical efforts at espionage begin to fail so Bernard Rush, CEO of Atoms Technical, kidnaps Rebecca Shepherd hoping to force Shepherd Industries to give up their new technology. Ultimately his bid fails and with his dying breath Rush takes out his frustration by trying to destroy his rival. Burke's tests of the new star ship prove successful and he becomes instrumental in saving his love Rebecca and preventing the demise of his employer by stopping Rush's plans to destroy Shepherd's holdings. Rebecca is injured in the end by fire and must recover in the sickbay of the Destiny. During this time she realizes her future should be with the worlds first star ship captain John Burke. Coming Soon Book 2 -'To Whom the Stars Belong'
    The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde By: Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson originally wrote Dr. Jekyll And Mr Hyde as a 'chilling shocker.' He then burned the draft and, upon his wife's advice, rewrote it as the darkly complex tale it is today. Stark, skillfully woven, this fascinating novel explores the curious turnings of human character through the strange case of Dr. Jekyll, a kindly scientist who by night takes on his stunted evil self, Mr. Hyde. Anticipating modern psychology, Jekyll And Hyde is a brilliantly original study of man's dual nature -- as well as an immortal tale of suspense and terror. Published in 1866, Jekyll And Hyde was an instant success and brought Stevenson his first taste of fame. Though sometimes dismissed as a mere mystery story, the book has evoked much literary admirations
    The Land Of The Changing Sun By: William N. Harben Harben's The Land of the Changing Sun is a science fiction story telling of the adventures of balloonists who land in the Anarctic and of how they survived. This early period piece makes the usual number of misapprehensions and mistakes. Still it is an enjoyable yarn.
    Terminal Compromise By: Winn Schwartau Here is a real techno thriller. From the White House to the Pentagon to the CIA to the National Security Agency and FBI, a complex weaving of fascinating political characters find themselves enmeshed a battle of the New World Order. Sex, drugs, rock'n'roll: Tokyo, Vienna, Paris, Iraq, Iran. It's all here. Copyright ? 1993 Winn Schwartau
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