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Book Search <rant>For what it's worth it was, is and always will be The Gulf of Mexico. I fish in it every year and will never refer to it in any other way.</rant>
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By: Sir Walter Scott The epitome of the chivalric novel, Ivanhoe sweeps readers into Medieval England and the lives of a memorable cast of characters. Ivanhoe, a trusted ally of Richard-the-Lion-Hearted, returns from the Crusades to reclaim the inheritance his father denied him. Rebecca, a vibrant, beautiful Jewish woman is defended by Ivanhoe against a charge of witchcraft--but it is Lady Rowena who is Ivanhoe's true love. The wicked Prince John plots to usurp England's throne, but two of the most popular heroes in all of English literature, Richard-the-Lion-Hearted and the well-loved famous outlaw, Robin Hood, team up to defeat the Normans and reagain the castle. The success of this novel lies with Scott's skillful blend of historic reality, chivalric romance, and high adventure.
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Kenneth Mattern, All rights reserved
Last Updated 2/15/2025
This web site is dedicated to Mr. Maltie Sassaman, my fourth grade teacher. When
I entered his class I could not read. When I left his class at the end of the
school year I was reading at a sixth grade level and I haven't stopped reading
since. Were it not for Mr. Sassaman, this page would not exist.